Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc.

  • Engineers - Environmental
5300 Wellington Branch Drive
Gainesville, VA, VA 20155
(703) 679-5600
  • About

    Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI), a Davey Tree Company, is one of the leading natural and cultural resource consulting firms in the Mid-Atlantic, and the largest in our local niche. We are focused solely on providing the full range of natural and cultural resource services to our clients – all services that are necessary for obtaining federal and state wetland permits, and for conducting natural resource inventories and studies to satisfy federal regulatory requirements for all levels of government. WSSI takes a proactive approach to helping clients maintain compliance with federal, state, and local erosion and sediment control, storm water discharge, and wetlands protection laws, resulting in reduced susceptibility to stop-work-orders and/or fines. We also educate clients on the use of proper Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control site discharges – our technical expertise and practical advice not only reduce impact to downstream receiving waters, but save site developers from significant and potentially very costly delays due to off-site sediment transport issues. We have worked on over 7,500 projects in the Mid-Atlantic, encompassing more than 275,000 acres. WSSI operates seven offices in Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and Florida.