Durham DSC Stakeholders Meeting

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Name: Durham DSC Stakeholders Meeting
Date: December 14, 2023
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Quarterly Builder/Developer and City/County of Durham Development Service Center Stakeholders Meeting.

The purpose of the DSC Stakeholder Meetings is to provide a venue for open dialogue between the Builder/Developer Community and the City’s Development Services staff.  We aim to find solutions to bettering our working relationship on behalf of the current and future homeowners we serve.  It is also an opportunity for City Staff to share important departmental updates.

Durham Agenda & TCC Development Survey Review  
Via Zoom
Link will be in your Registration Confirmation (MUST REGISTER!)
Date/Time Information:
December 7th 
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Contact Information:
Holly Fraccaro
Free to HBA Members only
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